In 2016, Andrus attorneys Mike Taken, Ed Williams, Joe Kuborn, Aaron Olejniczak, and George Solveson were selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2016 and Andrus Intellectual Property Law was ranked as a "Tier 1" patent litigation and trademark law firm in the Milwaukee metropolitan area in The Best Law Firms.
In 2015, Andrus was ranked as a "Tier 1" patent litigation and trademark law firm in the Milwaukee metropolitan area. In addition, several Andrus attorneys have been selected for inclusion in U.S. News – Best Lawyers.
In 2014, Andrus was included in the U.S. News – Best Law Firms list as a Tier 1 Milwaukee firm in the areas of Patent Litigation, Patent Law, and Trademark Law. In addition, Andrus was ranked as a Tier 2 Milwaukee firm in Intellectual Property Litigation, a Tier 2 National firm in Trademark Law, and a Tier 3 National firm in Patent Law.
In 2013, Andrus was included in the U.S. News – Best Law Firms list as a Tier 1 Milwaukee firm in the areas of Patent Law and Trademark Law, a Tier 2 Milwaukee firm in the areas of Intellectual Property Litigation and Patent Litigation, a Tier 2 National firm in the area of Trademark Law and a Tier 3 National firm in the area of Patent Law.
In 2011-2012, Andrus was included in the U.S. News – Best Law Firms list as a Tier 1 Milwaukee firm in the area of Patent Law, a Tier 2 Milwaukee firm in the areas of Intellectual Property Litigation and Patent Ligation, a Tier 3 National firm in the areas of Intellectual Property Litigation and Patent Law.
In 2010, Andrus was included in the U.S. News – Best Law Firms list as a Tier 1 Milwaukee firm in the area of Intellectual Property Law. In addition, several Andrus attorneys have been selected for inclusion in U.S. News – Best Lawyers.